The Phatush Diaries

Thursday, October 08, 2009

12 Year Old Girls

DRWB ( Diana Ross Wanna Be) is now 12 .....she is now in 7th grade ...She laughs ......She whines ..She cries ....She yells ....She eye rolls ....She hums ....She stomps.....She tortures .....She loves ....She curses under her breath .....She makes baby sounds and cuddles .....ALL IN THE SPAN OF 8 and HALF MINUTES.

Each day I ask myself the following .....

What soap opera character will she be channeling today ?.... Does Susan Lucci need a replacement after all these years ?

How early was Sybil's mother able identify her multiple personalities ....?

If we lived in China could I still drown her and not get into trouble?

Why can't my hands stop shaking?


Where is my seat belt for this damn roller coaster ride ?

I don't make things easy on her. I laugh.....I cry ......I yell .......I stomp ......I curse .......I whine ...... Like centuries of Jewish woman before me ....I feel it is my birthright to comment and be critical about everything. Make no mistake, DRWB has an arsenal all her own ...she is Phatush's most worthy sparing partner.

After years of fighting with me she has finally put her talent for arguing to good use. She was picked for her middle school debate team. I knew that she would be good at this as long as she didn't mutter ..."asshole" ....or "shut up" ...under her breath as she is prone to do.

This weekend she returned back from her first debate taking home two medals......

Shocking ....!


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