The Phatush Diaries

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Best Friends ?

Phatush has had many on again and off again relationship over the years.

People may have come in and out of the picture by she has/had a best girlfriend.


This friendship has spanned over 20 years when they both chased around homeless street kids in Times Square ....before the days when Guillani turned PeepWorld into Disneyland. It was some of the best and worst times of Phatush's life, and also when she never felt more alive.

Lets just call it BC- Before Children.

When DRWB was born AnarchyMom was right there flirting with Phatush's OBGYN and giving him a quick course in feminist theory. He, on the hand, was making plans on whether or not to slice into Phatush for an emergency c-section.

10 years later when AnarchyMom was making plan to ditch her current boyfriend and have a child on her own .....Phatush was there.

AnarchyMom's baby daughter was born almost 2 years ago. She has moved to R.I and is trying to manage being a single working mom. This is something that Phatush has first hand knowledge about . Phatush knows that being a single mom is like being a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.

Calls between the two have almost stopped ....even phone tag doesn't take place.

To be fair Phatush and AnarcyMom are in different stages of parenthood. It's been some time since Phatush has changed a diaper and had her hands smell like A and D ointment. AnarchyMom has some time yet to experience the joyful challenges of the sanitary napkin aisle of CVS.

The days of eating on the Lower East Side and spending 2 hours talking about the latest go to film at the Angelica are not possible .....Phatush gets it.


Last week at CVS Phatush was indulging in that guilty pleasure called US WEEKLY. She noticed the OctoMom was photographed while making a call on her cell phone to someone. (Here's hoping that it was to the nearest clinic to have both her tubes tied, snipped , burn and rendered useless forever.)

But wait ....Hold on just a sec .....

Single mom ..... 14 kids under the age of 6...... Has time to make a call to someone .....?????


Where has AnarchyMom been?


At September 23, 2020 at 12:08 PM, Blogger Page Turner said...

working with homeless, selfless and caring full of life. you are so more amazing than I ever dreamed.


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