The Phatush Diaries

Thursday, October 28, 2004

What if HE wins, mom?

There it was . My 7 year old said it. Leave it to that Diana Ross Wanna-Bee (DRWB) to just put it all out there.

"Well, I dunno". I answered.

(Smoooooooth...Phatush ...reaaaal...smooooth). Leave it to me to give thoughtful answers to those pressing questions. Thank God. I had just pulled up in front of school, and she was getting out.

"Uhhhhhh......let me think about it ..........andwe'll talk about it after school" .

This is all my fault for keeping CNN on when any decent mom would be letting her kids spend those 2 extra hours zombing out to Spongebob. Have I made her way too invested in the defeat of W on Tuesday? Damn, I thought that she wasn't paying attention. How wrong I was.

Did she really tell her second grade class proudly that she knew the names of the Bush twins - "Jenna and Tonic".

Did she really tell me " I hate Bush- and I'm going to k@#^ him"?. ( Phatush will not even spell out the four letter word due to her own paranoid fears)

Watch out DRWB we live in dangerous times ...In the current political climateyou'll find your 7 year old body in some Cuban detention cell sporting an orange jump suit.

It's not like I haven't thought about it. It's not like I haven't been following it. In fact most of my morning ritual involves downing coffee at Ozzie's with Mrs. Kravitz (MK) and Fire Starter Mom (FSM). We talk about kids, and the upcoming election. We sit, drink in hand, talking about the latest news we've read, and what can give us a win in November. I'd like to call this Starbucks Activism. That being said, MK and FSM are over the top smart, politically active, and socially aware. MK does vigils with her church and fundraising to end genocide around the world. FSM can trouble shoot any problem. When it comes to advocating for her pint size little guy, nothing compares... except maybe old episode of Wild Kingdom. Did I mention that they both move mountains in a New York City public school? NUF SAID?

What have I done? Big or small ?

Phatush, At 10, weren't you the first female boy scout? (That story went AP and had the Boy Scouts of America scrambling.)

Phatush, Wasn't that you '92 dumping a bag of clean needles at the Department of Health with the Lower East Side Needle Exchange.

Wait ...Wait ....Wait. Phatush ...You look familiar....You were a social worker ....Weren't you?...

It was August of 1996 in Atlanta were that blond standing next to Bill Baird, the abortion rights activist, screaming at Randall Terry and Operation Rescue while the CNN cameras rolled. Did that priest really turn the afternoon into a wet t-shirt contest by nailing you with a bottle of holy water?

What happened?

Phatush, Why is it...... that in 2004 you can now name all the potential candidates on the last 4 seasons of The Bachelor....?

Tell me,was the last campaign you launched really trying to get close friends to nominate you for a full Swan makeover, rather than working in some local senate race?

Okay ...okay did display remarkable abilities canvassing door to door with the Brownie cookie order forms last year . DRWB sold 200 boxes and landed a great plastic prize 3 months later. Just wondering , couldn't you have least mentioned something about Ratners new stadium going up 15 blocks away?

What happened?

OH YEAH... Marriage, pregnancy, buying a home, starting up a small business, another pregnancy, end of marriage , ongoing depression, therapy, single parenthood, laundry, dating, and all that goes with it.

Nuf said.


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